
Verification required field fail

rilazzi 06 Sep, 2011
Hello, I have a problem, I see that some people had this before but I try to do things that resolve the problem and it doesn't work so.

There is no validation on my form, just the captcha work. I put the

in the box Load JS in my wizard. I precise that I'm in Joomla 1.6 and I search for the MooTools problem, I don't have this plugin on my website.

If someone can help me, that's will be great because Chronoforms is a realy great componant and realy need it.

Thank you.
rilazzi 08 Sep, 2011
I found that is a conflict problem with the module "Hot Image Slider" when I disable it, my validation perfectly work. How can I resolve this problem?

Thank you.
Max_admin 09 Sep, 2011

You don't need the "Mootools upgrade" plugin in J1.6

You should add this line of code to a "Load JS" action:

and make sure its at the top of the "On Load" event in your form, and set the "Dynamic fields" setting under the form "Edit" page to "Yes".

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rilazzi 12 Sep, 2011
It's work ! I just add this line before the place where is my form :

<script type="text/javascript">  $.noConflict();</script>

Thank you for the help :wink:
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