
id CF_LV_ERROR__idname_ with radio selection is not disapear

shd 02 Sep, 2011
Hello everybody,

I have a question about validation for a group of radio buttons with required text.
First I was using the default option for validation, but when I selected one the red required text (which is standing behind every radio button in every group :-) is not disappearing when I select one radio button in a group.

When I use a required field for a normal input field the red text disappears when I put some text in the input field.That is nice and I want it also for the radio buttons but that is not working.

Behind every radio button, in every group, a required text is to much and even one is selected the other radio buttons in the same selection group has still the red required text also when I select one, so that is confusing and not so nice.

So I started to use for the radio buttons my own divs
<div id="CF_LV_ERROR_kabeltype_0" style="display:none"></div>
and that works correct.
I can give now every group one text instead of a text behind every radio button but also these text is not disappearing when one radio button is selected in a group.

My question🙄 😀 , is it possible that the red text disappears when one radio button is selected in a group? Or turns in green with an other text??

GreyHead 02 Sep, 2011
Hi Stephanie,

The simplest answer is only to add the valisdate-one-required to the last button/checkbox in the group.

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