
table doesn't retain form info

Kellie 01 Sep, 2011

I am running Chronoforms 3.1 RC5.5 on my Joomla 1.5 website and I went through the tutorial and created a new table and connected it to my form. However when I go look at the table records I don't see the information I queried for in the form. Can you please tell me what I missed? I went through the tutorial twice.

I attached a pic of what is see. If I could I'd like to not see that info and just see the input information from the form.

Thanks for your help,
GreyHead 02 Sep, 2011
Hi Kellie,

it looks as though when you created the table you only had the default inputs selected. Selected inputs show green bars, un-seledted ones show red bars.

You can delete the table from the Tables Manager icon and start over.

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