
wrong captcha error style

lansman 29 Aug, 2011
when wrong captcha there are 2 error outputs
beginning and end of the form.
the one at the end is red, the one at the beginning is black colored and in small font style.

how can I edit the 1st wrong captcha error style ? would like it to be more obvious.

(I have tried putting a :
<span style="color: red; font-size: 16px;">You have entered a wrong verification code!</span>
in the form wizard in the check captcha evant.
it did work and add the span, but once I save the form another time it will delete the code and leave only
. so this solution isn't very great)


Chronoform V4
GreyHead 31 Aug, 2011
Hi Lansman,

Try using single quotes round the style in the span. That may work.
<span style='color: red; font-size: 16px;'>You have entered a wrong verification code!</span>

I think that the messages have classes you should be able to style them with CSS using a Load CSS action.

lansman 31 Aug, 2011
Thank you! it worked.
I think the upper one don't have a class.
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