
copy email

fanny0 24 Aug, 2011
How do I place a check box?

"Send a copy to your own email" (see attached "form.jpg")

with wizard (see attached "wizard.jpg)

or can only be done by modifying the code ??... I put the code?

GreyHead 25 Aug, 2011
Hi fanny0,

To get a two column layout like this you will need to edit the Form HTML.

fanny0 25 Aug, 2011
I'm not asking that question ... please read the question

How do I place a check box?

"Send a copy to your own email" (see attached "form.jpg")
with wizard (see attached "wizard.jpg)
GreyHead 25 Aug, 2011
Hi fanny0,

Sorry, I did read your post several times. I answered what seemed to me to be the question.

You add a check box like that br dragging a checkbox into the form as you show in the second image.

fanny0 25 Aug, 2011
but I have to put something else? mark a particular field?

GreyHead 25 Aug, 2011
Hi fanny0,

I'm sorry. I have absolutely not idea what question you are asking :-(

fanny0 25 Aug, 2011
as I put a field for people to send a copy of the mail
GreyHead 26 Aug, 2011
Hi fanny0,

Sorry, that doesn't help me understand what you want :-(

spyro 31 Aug, 2011
He wants to know how to send a copy of an email to the user who checks the checkbox and types the address in the specific field. This option is often called "send a copy of this form to my email".

I am also asking about that🙂 because this is the main feature I am looking for in Joomla forms component.
GreyHead 31 Aug, 2011
Hi spyro,

Oh, maybe. I didn't get that at all. The code for ChronoForms v3 is in this post by Fredrik.

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