
Paypal is not returning back to my site after payment.

Nadeem 24 Aug, 2011
Hi Grey and Max,

You guys seem to be helpful, But its the time i need your advice...I am using redirect plugin and inserting this code in form html place under FORM CODE tab....😟

<input type=hidden name='USER' value=''> 
<input type=hidden name='PWD' value='1314113020'> 
<input type=hidden name='SIGNATURE' value='AiPC9BjkCyDFQXbSkoZcgqH3hpacAqYgwNGePOFUqq.6.zzoJvjOTNSJ'> 
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="">
<input type=hidden name='USE_PROXY' value='FALSE' >
<input type=hidden name='VERSION' value='65.1'> 
<input type=hidden name='PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION' value='Sale'> 
<input name='PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' value='19.95'> 
<input type=hidden name='redirect' value=''> 
<input type=hidden name='return' value=''> 
<input type=hidden name='cancel_return' value=''>
<input type=hidden name='version' value='VERSION' >
<input type='image' name='submit' src='' border='0' align='top' alt='Check out with PayPal'/>

Under REDIRECT , In Plugin parameters:
added all Field names from my form to the plugin.
Target URL=

But no help, I also tried to follow this documentaion from pay pal..It works like a charm in my localhost, but the code is all in php, If no solution, Then can you help me where to place this codes.

check this links and let me know how I can implement this in chornoforms

Appreciate your help and quick response !!
GreyHead 25 Aug, 2011
Hi Nadeem,

The PayPal document you linked to appears to be for the PayPal API. If that is the setup you have then you should use Max's PayPal API plug-in (for Cfv3).

If you are not using the API but want a simple PayPal redirect URL then you can use the ReDirect plug-in.

You do not need to include all of the variables as hidden inputs; the ones wifh 'fixed' values can be entered directly into the 'Extra Fields data' box in the plug-in as for example:
(Though neither of those look like valid PayPal parameters.

You wil find fuller examples in the forums here.

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