
mailform works - but not always

pez222 22 Aug, 2011

I'm using Chronoforms V. 4.0 RC1.9. I ran several tests and everything worked fine.

Now I received messages like this:

Anrede: {input_select_7}

Name: {input_text_2}

Adresse: {input_text_9}

PLZ,Ort: {input_text_8}

Telefonnummer: {input_text_3}

E-Mail Adresse: {input_text_4}

and so on...

Please note! This is not always so. Just in some cases. Because of lacking information I also can't contact the submitter for informations about browser-type, -settings etc.

Any Idea?

Best regards
GreyHead 22 Aug, 2011
Hi Pez,

Possibly users clicking submit more than once? Possibly spambots hitting the form url??

If there is data submitted then ChronoForms if pretty good at reporting it in the email - close to 100% reliable in my experience.

Some serverside validation might block empty submissions.

pez222 22 Aug, 2011
Thanks for your quick reply!

Possibly users clicking submit more than once?

No, I don't think so.

Possibly spambots hitting the form url??

Possilbly yes. But all fields have "required" in validation.

If there is data submitted then ChronoForms if pretty good at reporting it in the email - close to 100% reliable in my experience.

I have the same experience on other sites, just this one is strange.

Some serverside validation might block empty submissions.

What shall I look for?
GreyHead 23 Aug, 2011
Hi pez222,

I think that some of the spambots have JavaScript disabled so they will not be blocked by client side validation.

Add a server side check on your required inputs - drag the Auto Server Side Validation action into the On Submit event and move it up to be the first action.

pez222 23 Aug, 2011
like this?

All the textboxes have validation "on". Does this also refer to serverside validation or is there something else to configure?
GreyHead 23 Aug, 2011
Hi pez222,

This would be better. I know that not all the On Success events work reliably - but all the actions will be run in sequence unless there is a Show Stopper, an Event Loop or a ReDirect User to interrupt the sequence.

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