
how do i add 5 star voting/rating to a form?

ecopure 18 Aug, 2011
Me again..

How do i add a user friendly 5 star rating as part of a form?? this would then obviously add the value to the database..
GreyHead 18 Aug, 2011
Hi ecopure,

A group of 5 radio buttons - possibly with fancy added JavaScript like this

ecopure 18 Aug, 2011
Hmm, thanks for that, ive implented the code but can only see the radio boxes😟
ecopure 18 Aug, 2011
As an update.. still not working.. heres what i did:

<p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFC3CE; height: 30px; border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; margin: 0 0 10px; padding: 5px;"><label class="cf_label" style="width: 150px; float: left; margin: 0 10px 0 0; width: 45%;">Sales Lead Rating</label>
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="0.5">
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="1.0">
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="1.5">
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="2.0">
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="2.5" checked="checked">
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="3.0">
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="3.5">
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="4.0">
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="4.5">
    <input type="radio" name="leadrating" value="5.0">
  <span id="htmlTip"></span></p>

// Default images folder definition. You will use your own.
MooStarRatingImages.defaultImageFolder =

var simpleRating = new MooStarRating({
    form: 'ChronoContact_companysalesleads',
    imageEmpty: 'star_boxed_empty.png', // Different image
    imageFull:  'star_boxed_full.png',  // Different image
    imageHover: 'star_boxed_hover.png', // Different image
    width: 17,                          // One pixel bigger
    tip: 'Rate [VALUE]/[COUNT]',        // Mouse rollover tip
    tipTarget: $('simpleTip')           // Tip element

var MooStarRatingImages = {
	defaultImageFolder: '',
	defaultImageEmpty:  'star_empty.png',
	defaultImageFull:   'star_full.png',
	defaultImageHover:  null

var MooStarRating = new Class({

	Implements: [Options, Events],

	options: {
		form: null,
		radios: 'leadrating',
		selector: '',
		linksClass: 'star',
		imageFolder: MooStarRatingImages.defaultImageFolder,
		imageEmpty:  MooStarRatingImages.defaultImageEmpty,
		imageFull:   MooStarRatingImages.defaultImageFull,
		imageHover:  MooStarRatingImages.defaultImageHover,
		width: 16,
		height: 16,
		half: false,
		tip: null,
		tipTarget: null,
		tipTargetType: 'text',
		disabled: false
	radios: [],
	stars: [],
	currentIndex: -1,

	initialize: function(options) {
		// Setup options
			imageFolder: MooStarRatingImages.defaultImageFolder,
			imageEmpty:  MooStarRatingImages.defaultImageEmpty,
			imageFull:   MooStarRatingImages.defaultImageFull,
			imageHover:  MooStarRatingImages.defaultImageHover });
		// Fix image folder
		if ((this.options.imageFolder.length != 0) && (this.options.imageFolder.substr(-1) != "/")) 
			this.options.imageFolder += "/";
		// Hover image as full if none specified
		if (this.options.imageHover == null) this.options.imageHover = this.options.imageFull;
		// Preload images
		try { Asset.images([
			this.options.imageFolder + this.options.imageEmpty,
			this.options.imageFolder + this.options.imageFull,
			this.options.imageFolder + this.options.imageHover
		]); } catch (e) { };
		// Build radio selector
		var formQuery = this.options.form;
		this.options.form = $(formQuery);
		if (!this.options.form) this.options.form = $$('form[name=' + formQuery + "]")[0];
		if (this.options.form) {
			var uniqueId = 'star_' + String.uniqueID();
			this.options.selector += 'form.' + uniqueId + ' '; }
		this.options.selector += 'input[type=radio][name=' + this.options.radios + "]";
		// Loop elements
		var i = 0;
		var me = this;
		var lastElement = null;
		var count = $$(this.options.selector).length;
		var width = this.options.width.toInt();
		var widthOdd = width;
		var height = this.options.height.toInt();
		if (this.options.half) {
			width = (width / 2).toInt();
			widthOdd = widthOdd - width; }
		$$(this.options.selector).each(function (item) {
			// Add item to radio list
			this.radios[i] = item;
			if (item.get('checked')) this.currentIndex = i;
			// If disabled, whole star rating control is disabled
			if (item.get('disabled')) this.options.disabled = true;
			// Hide and replace
			item.setStyle('display', 'none');
			this.stars[i] = new Element('a').addClass(this.options.linksClass);
			this.stars[i].store('ratingIndex', i);
				'background-image': 'url("' + this.options.imageFolder + this.options.imageEmpty + '")',
				'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',
				'display': 'inline-block',
				'width': ((this.options.half && (i % 2)) ? widthOdd : width), 
				'height': height });
			if (this.options.half)
				this.stars[i].setStyle('background-position', ((i % 2) ? '-' + width + 'px 0' : '0 0'));
				'mouseenter': function () { me.starEnter(this.retrieve('ratingIndex')); },
				'mouseleave': function () { me.starLeave(); } });
			// Tip
			if (this.options.tip) {
				var title = this.options.tip;
				title = title.replace('[VALUE]', item.get('value'));
				title = title.replace('[COUNT]', count);
				if (this.options.tipTarget) this.stars[i].store('ratingTip', title);
				else this.stars[i].setProperty('title', title);
			// Click event
			this.stars[i].addEvent('click', function () { 
				me.fireEvent('click', me.getValue());
			// Go on
			lastElement = item;
		}, this);
		// Inject items
		$$(this.stars).each(function (star, index) {
			star.inject(lastElement, 'after');
			lastElement = star;
		}, this);
		// Enable / disable
		if (this.options.disabled) this.disable(); else this.enable();
		// Fill stars
		return this;
	setValue: function(value) {
		this.radios.each(function (radio, index) {
			if (radio.get('value') == value) this.currentIndex = index;
		}, this);
		return this;
	getValue: function() {
		if (!this.radios[this.currentIndex]) return null;
		return this.radios[this.currentIndex].get('value');
	setCurrentIndex: function(index) {
		this.currentIndex = index;
		return this;

	enable: function() {
		this.options.disabled = false;
		this.stars.each(function (star) { star.setStyle('cursor', 'pointer'); });
		return this;
	disable: function() {
		this.options.disabled = true;
		this.stars.each(function (star) { star.setStyle('cursor', 'default'); });
		return this;
	refresh: function() {
		return this;
	fillStars: function (hoverIndex) {
		$$(this.stars).each(function (star, index) {
			var image = this.options.imageEmpty;
			if (hoverIndex == null) if (index <= this.currentIndex) image = this.options.imageFull;
			if (hoverIndex != null) if (index <= hoverIndex) image = this.options.imageHover;
			star.setStyle('background-image', 'url("' + this.options.imageFolder + image + '")');
		}, this);
		return this;

	starEnter: function (index) {
		if (this.options.disabled) return;
		if (this.options.tip && this.options.tipTarget) 
			$(this.options.tipTarget).set(this.options.tipTargetType, this.stars[index].retrieve('ratingTip'));
		this.fireEvent('mouseenter', this.radios[index].get('value'));
		return this;

	starLeave: function () {
		if (this.options.disabled) return;
		if (this.options.tip && this.options.tipTarget) 
			$(this.options.tipTarget).set(this.options.tipTargetType, '');
		return this;

	setCurrentIndex: function(index) {
		this.currentIndex = index;
		return this;

	refreshRadios: function () {
		this.radios.each(function (radio, index) {
			radio.set('disabled', this.options.disabled);
			radio.set('checked', index == this.currentIndex);
		}, this);
		return this;
	debug: function() {
		radioStatus = {};
		this.radios.each(function (radio) {
			eval('radioStatus.' + radio.get('value') + ' = ' + (radio.get('checked') ? 'true' : 'false') + ';'); });
		return ({
			'Current value': this.currentIndex,
			'Hidden radios status': radioStatus

Still just shows the radio buttons😟
GreyHead 20 Aug, 2011
Hi ecopure,

You have to load the MooStarRating files and images too . . . after quite a struggle I've almost got this working except that I have two sets of stars and can't see what is giving me the second set :-(

Will take another look in a day or so.

dyoungers 22 Aug, 2011

I'm also looking forward to your solution ... I was at the same point in my testing and currently stumped by two sets of the "stars"

ecopure 23 Aug, 2011
Hi Dave/Bob.

I had this issue but then I fixed t, please could you post the coding you have used and I'll try and help!
GreyHead 23 Aug, 2011
Hi ecopure,

Here's the code I used.
Form HTML:
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="1" />
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="2" />
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="3" />
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="4" checked="checked" >
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="5" />
<span id="htmlTip"></span>

On Load Custom Code (to get the load order correct):
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();

On Load: Load JS:
// Configure the image paths
var MooStarRatingImages = {
  defaultImageFolder: "http://frances/Joomla1.6b/components/com_chronoforms/assets/MooStarRating/Graphics",
  defaultImageEmpty:  "star_empty.png",
  defaultImageFull:   "star_full.png",
  defaultImageHover:  "star_hover.png"
// A fake post ID for the sake of submission
var postId = 10;

// When the DOM is ready....
window.addEvent("domready",function() {  
  // Create our instance
  var starRater = new MooStarRating({
    form: "test_form_star_rating",
    radios: "rating",
    half: false,
    width: 18, 
    tip: "Rate as <i>[VALUE] / 5</i>", 
    tipTarget: $("htmlTip"),
    tipTargetType: "html"


PS Using the latest 1.3 version of the MooStarRating files.
ecopure 23 Aug, 2011
Thanks I have an idea of what is it.. Could you post the moostarrating js file too?
GreyHead 23 Aug, 2011
Hi ecopure,

Here it is. Remove the .txt from the name.

dyoungers 07 Sep, 2011

Looking for word on this ... do you have any thoughts on how to fix this?

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