
Use Chronoforms to create wizard?

yadayada 11 Aug, 2011
Wondering if there is a tutorial, examples, or a recommended methodology for creating a basic wizard using Chronoform? Basically, depending on the user's form submission data, a variety of forms, pages, and/or custom scripts could be run or presented to the user.

Form: How old are you?
- young
- old

If user selects "young", then they're sent to a different page and/or subsequent form than if they select "old". I'm trying to create a simple flow with maybe 3 levels and just a handful of branches.

GreyHead 11 Aug, 2011
Hi yadayada,

There's a document I wrote for ChronoForms v3 about writing forms like this. See the example here to see if this is the kind of thing you have in mind.

yadayada 11 Aug, 2011
Great, thanks. I'll have a look.

The dynamic form concept would work for the user-facing part, but I assume the How-To explains how to run a script based on the eventual data submitted? So in the form example, if I select "Divorced", a different backend script would run than if I selected "Single"?

Also, does The Chronoforms Book include all the How-To docs or are they addendums to the book?

thanks again.
GreyHead 12 Aug, 2011
Hi yadayada,

Yes, the how-to only deals with the front-end options. There are a ouple of ways of dealing with the back end options. Either you write the Form HTML using PHP to display different HTML; or you use a sluser of small forms and redirect the user from one to the next depending on the responses (or a bit of each).

The How-to documents are all addendums to the book (though there are also some extracts from the book on my site). Note that the book was written for ChronoForms v3 - CFv4 has a very different admin interface and work-flow - though most of the code can be adapted fairly easily,

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