
Multi Form v3- how to pass info from form to onSubmit page

channingb 10 Aug, 2011
I am not a developer and slightly understand javascript. Been having bit of trouble getting a form to do all the things I would like. Specifically:
1. Main part determines if viewer is qualified. Selects one or more from 8 items as checkboxes
2. If viewer is not qualified, then checks another box (lawyer wanted this in). Also, if person checks this cannot have also checked boxes in first part. (partly solved)
3. Final part of form is divided into two parts depending on if the view is representing and entity or is an individual. There for there are textareas for viewer to fill out.
Herein lies the problem. A viewer could conceivably fill out both sides (since I am not a javascript person, do not know how to make correct validation/restrict script. So, decided to do a multipage form. After the first questions are answered, the viewer then chooses if they are either an individual or entity. That takes them to a form for their contact information.

The multi page set up fine, but when form is submitted, the values of each item in the form show up, but the information the viewer added doe snot show up.

When I did a single form, all was good as I used simple script in "On Submit code - after sending email:".
I have included all the values from the form into "On Submit code - after sending email:" of each page, including entry form.

Would appreciate assistance as soon as possible please. Promise to by a beer.
Having Spent Too Much Time in an Area I do not Belong (aka channing)
GreyHead 12 Aug, 2011
Hi channingb,

I'm not quite sure how you've got this working? Are you using the multi-page plug-in? Or just passing information between forms?

Either way the information from the most recent form should be available using the {input_name} syntax.

channingb 12 Aug, 2011
Thanks Bob:

I have been using CC V3. Using the multipage plugin. Decided to do two separate forms instead. The syntax I used worked for single forms, but did not seem to pass the results into final form. Here is a sample of the code placed into "onsubmit after mailing":
1. <?php echo $_POST['check0']; ?><br /><br />
2. <?php echo $_POST['check1']; ?><br /><br />
Individual:<br />
First Name:<?php echo $_POST['text_6']; ?><br /><br />
Last Name<?php echo $_POST['text_7']; ?><br /><br />

Is there a different syntax I should have used and would it have been placed in the "onsubmit after mailing" in each of the pages of the multipage form or just the mother?

GreyHead 13 Aug, 2011
Hi channingb,

That should work - provoded that the values are in the form $_POST array. For that to happen they much be in new inputs - or carried forward from the previous form in hidden inputs.

In the multi-page plug-in ChronoForms makes the previous (and present) results available in a $posted array.

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