
Open Redirect on Submit in New Page

ironlion37 05 Aug, 2011

I've got a site with Chrono Contact v3.2 installed on it. I know how to set a redirect on form submission to a custom thank you page using the "Redirect URL:" field on the "General" tab of the specific form in the forms manager.

What I don't know how to do is to cause that URL to open in a new window. I need to be able to apply target="_parent" to it. Any thoughts?

GreyHead 05 Aug, 2011
Hi ironlion37,

I'm not sure either, you may need to use a JavaScript auto redirect to activate a target.

ironlion37 09 Aug, 2011
Thanks Bob. The answer is to simply put target="_blank" into the "Form Tag Attachment" field under "Core/View Form Settings" on the "General" tab.

- Just in case that could help someone.... 🙂
GreyHead 10 Aug, 2011
Hi ironlion37,

Neat - I'd expect that to open the form in a new page rather than the thank you page - but it if works that's great.

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