
Sending different emails to different addresses

soshannessy 01 Aug, 2011

I was wondering if was possible to send the form results to one specific email address and send a basic generic email to other addresses just to say that it is there? So only 1 address can read the message but multiple addresses know that it has arrived? I hope that makes sense... Its basically so that multiple people know that the message is to be read. I need to avoid having multiple people replying to the same inquiry message but avoid having messages ignored for long periods of time due to absences and ignorance.

I also considered storing them on the server and sending generic messages but that made another problem see my other post

I'd really appreciate some advice on this.

GreyHead 01 Aug, 2011
Hi Shayne,

Yes you can do that. Just add a second Email action for the second email.

soshannessy 01 Aug, 2011
Thanks Greyhead,

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. Just hope that the client can see the value in that. I've checked this, it will work perfectly for what I need. I didn't realise that for each email container, there was a seperate template.

I will have to buy you a six-pack when I get paid.

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