
Chrono Forms 4 on 1.7.0 , menu entries links become broken

Pikkolo 24 Jul, 2011
Hi there,

first of all thanks for Chrono Forms 4, it rules. I tried to install it on Joomla 1.7.0 , unfortunately after the setup of CF and the saving of our first form, all the joomla menu entries url have become broken, just like this:

before, working url :

after installing Chrono Forms and saving a form:

We had no choice but to take the whole site back to a previous backup

Do you already know of this chance of a bug ? May we do anything to solve it ?

Thanks in advance

Marco Loiodice
GreyHead 24 Jul, 2011
Hi Marco,

I'm not sure if it is the right fix but please see this post

Pikkolo 24 Jul, 2011
Thanks a lot for your very kind answer, I solved it :mrgreen:


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