
How can I dynamically set the minDate (DatePicker)

gvouliakis 23 Jul, 2011
Hallo again!

I'm currently constructing a reservation request form for a hotel site. How can I dynamically set the minDate option of DatePicker so the starting value of the date field always be today's date and all date prior to today's date to be disabled?

I'm using validated CF v4 RC1.9

GreyHead 23 Jul, 2011
Hi George,

Please see this post. (I think that is now working OK in Joomla! 1.6.)

hengsovann 01 Oct, 2011
I followd your solution, but still cannot set mindate to today's date (joomla 1.7.1 + chronoform 4.0 RC2.0).
Max_admin 05 Oct, 2011
Hi George,

Did you try to use a "Custom Datepicker" action with the PHP date function to dynamically set today's date in the minDate string ?

minDate: { date: '<?php date("d-m-Y"); ?>', format: 'd-m-Y' }

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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