
Horizontal alignment of form's elements

quenda 19 Jul, 2011
I would like to put in the same line some elements of my form, like in the second image.


How can I do this?


GreyHead 19 Jul, 2011
Hi ettore,

Edit the Form HTML by hand - or using your favourite HTML editor.

bradymac 12 Nov, 2011
hi, sorry for digging up an older thread - this was the closest result from searching the forums.

I'd like a similar style for my form, at the moment I have text input fields First Name and Last Name in the default vertical style. Where is the Form HTML that I should edit to rearrange these? And is this file specific to one chronoform or all forms?

Thanks for the help.
GreyHead 13 Nov, 2011
Hi bradymac ,

In ChronoForms v3 you can edit the Form HTML on the Forn Code tab; in CFv4 there is a 'Tight layout' option on the Form Settings tab in the Advanced Wizard that my do this for you.

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