
Editing Data using ChronoConnectivity

Larion476 18 Jul, 2011
I created a form with ChronoForms that stores items in a table.
In order to submit the form and add a record the user must be registered (Standard Joomla Registration).

I also created a form with ChronoConnectivity to list the items in the table, I have also included a link in each row to display the data in the first form created with ChronoForms.

I can update the data this way, my question is: how can I insure that only the person who created the record in the first form can update it.

Another question: Can a record be deleted from the front end? if yes how?
Larion476 19 Jul, 2011
Found a solution in a very long thread of last year titled User Permission?.

I am showing the solution here.
    $user = & JFactory::getUser();
    if ( $user->id == $MyRow->cf_user_id ) {
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