I am building a website for an organisation that I am a co-founder of, which supports a danish youth string orchestra in danger of being shut down.
I am using Joomla! 1.6 and Chronoforms v.4 to enable potential members of the organisation to sign up via the page I'm creating, and so far things are working fine. However - I have a couple of questions that could improve the functionality of the registration.
First of all, I have only a couple of weeks of experience with web design and coding in general, so if you have the patience, please write in a language understandable by a coding novice.
So far - by filling out the registration form on my webpage, an online record is created, which is viewable via the site administrator and my Chronoforms component, AND an email containing the data in simple text is forwarded to my mailbox.
Is there any way of automatically adding the data to an OpenOffice Calc or Base file? Or in some way making the text compatible with pasting it directly into a Base database?
You can visit the site here: http://druensvenner.cloudaccess.net
- a lot of content is still missing, but the form is accessible through "Foreningen->Bliv Medlem->Blanket" (http://druensvenner.cloudaccess.net/forening/bliv-medlem/blanket.html)
In my search of information I've discovered that the v.3 of Chronoforms had an "Export to Excel" function when viewing table data - am I missing this in my installation? Or has that function not made it to v.4?
Thankyou in advance for taking time to read this - I hope someone can point my in the right direction.
- Anders, Denmark