
No information returned

piglet 11 Jul, 2011
I'm new on both Joomla and ChronoForms and I guess I'm doing something wrong.
I get a form on the site with everything I want and I get an e-mail as a respons when I click the Submit button. But I don't get the information from the form. I was expecting to get that included in the e-mail. What am I missing out on?!
GreyHead 11 Jul, 2011
Hi piglet,

You probaly haven't put anything into the Email template. You need to edit it in the Email configuration. You can add text, HTML or PHP and add form data by using the {input_name} syntax.

piglet 11 Jul, 2011
How simple once you know it. Thanks!

Next question; if I want to validate my copy of ChronoForms, how do I do?
GreyHead 11 Jul, 2011
Hi piglet,

You can validate your copy from the Subscriptions link above.

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