
CAPTCHA not working

Larion476 10 Jul, 2011
I am using CF 4.0.RC 1.9 on Joomla 1.5.23

If nothing is typed in the field an error message says "this field is required". But if I type anything in the field it takes it and submit the form.

In the Actions I have added are: Load Captcha on Load and Check Captcha on Submit
GreyHead 11 Jul, 2011
Hi Larion476,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

GreyHead 11 Jul, 2011
Hi Larion476,

My best guess is that the order of the actions in the OnSubmit event is wrong. The Check Captcha needs to be the first action in the event?

Larion476 11 Jul, 2011
It is,

Anyway there are not so many parameters for this thing, I have the Load Captcha onLoad, and Check Captcha on Submit.

I tried it with both Firefox and IE, even cleaned the cache before, same thing.

I am sure it is a bug and wonder how and to whom it should be reported.
Dudley Morrown 12 Jul, 2011
I also have some problems with the captcha after entering it the form reloads no error messages then when i refresh the page it has all the fields filled in and says error captcha wrong confirmation code but i have tried and made sure i enter the right captcha but still gives me this error over and over again.

I have just bough the placeholder code and have added it to the forms could this be the cause of the problem?

When i look at the server error log i get this error:

[Tue Jul 12 00:27:37 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/xxxx/public_html/includes/js, referer: http://xxxx/administrator/index.php?option=com_chronoforms&task=form_wizard

[Tue Jul 12 00:27:18 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/xxxx/public_html/404.shtml, referer: http://xxxx/administrator/index.php?option=com_chronoforms&task=form_wizard&form_id=15

Is this to do with the install of Joomla or the Chronoforms error or becaus i have added the placeholder code to my site?

Using Joomla 1.6.4 and CF 4.0 RC1.9

Any input will be most welcome😉
GreyHead 12 Jul, 2011
Hi Larion476,

There's no reported bug with the Captcha, so far it has always been a settings problem. By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 12 Jul, 2011
Hi Dudley Morrown ,

The log messages appear to come from the Form Wizard, not from submitting the form so I think they are probably unconnected. I also can't see any obvious link with the placeholder code.

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 12 Jul, 2011
Hi Dudley Morrown,

I just checked the Books form and it appears to submit OK.

You will always have a problem if you refresh the form in the browser as a new verification code is generated when the image is refreshed. But typing in the new code allows the form to submit correctly (I just checked this too).

Please try clearing your browser cache for the site. it is possible that some JavaScript file is corrupt - though the imageverification isn't JavaScript dependent.

GreyHead 12 Jul, 2011
Hi Larion476,

Thanks for the URL; I fixed the problem. There was no OnFail action set for the Check Captcha. You need to add an Event Loop action there to reload the form if an error is found.

Larion476 12 Jul, 2011
Thanks a lot. Is this written anywhere? I hate to look stupid!
GreyHead 12 Jul, 2011
Hi Larion476,

It's in the forums here a few times but I'm not sure that it is in any of the tutorials. I'm still looking for time to write up some of the basic stuff like this.

Dudley Morrown 13 Jul, 2011
Hi Bob,

I just checked my mail and indeed there are two submitted forms from yesterday, the funny thing is i just now tried to submit from 2 separate computers from Chrome, Firefox and IE8 and none are coming through the form simply after hitting the submit button reloads itself as an empty form no thank you page either.

I also then had a go via a tunnel in case the network security system here is messing with the form submission but still a no go. Its a real mistery!

When i refresh the page and the Captcha code changes i of course update this but it will always error out saying the captcha has an error.

I will continue to test it all used to work perfectly but now all forms seem to be stuck in a loop maybe this is due to a Joomla update? But why does it work for you and not for me?

Hope to laugh at this one day😉

Thanks again for your help,
Dudley Morrown 13 Jul, 2011
OK found the problem its because i use the plugin and then the code {chronoforms} to insert the forms into my articles, when i simply add the form via the chornoforms menu and access it direct it works. This must be because i updated to the new Joomla 1.6.5 as before it used to work.

So i guess the plugin is now throwing an unseen error,

Greetz Den

added Sep 15 2011:

i simply added the forms via the menu rather than put them into a page using the plugin so the forms are accessible via a menu item and this way they are working for me.
pdefigueiredo 30 Aug, 2011
Can you elaborate on how you solved that problem?
I am also using the plugin to no success but the frontend-view works fine.
How do you show your form if not in the article?

EDIT: ok...that was a dumb question. Found that in a minute. Was convinced that the only way to publish a form was the plugin or the module...
For noobs like me (if any): you assign the menu item type as Chronoforms Display Form and just choose the form name from there. 😶
Seems like all my problems went away using this (apparently standard) method. 🙄
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