
Form with conditions and payment system

oceanosoft 09 Jul, 2011
Hello to everybody!
First of all, great component! I really love it and use it on most of my sites.
But now, to my question:
I want to create a special custom form, with a few fields:
-Name: text field
-Surname: text field
-Registration code: this is an autogenerated code by the system. It don't has to be on the site, can be mailed to the user after submission but must be incremental.
-Telephone number: numeric
-Day 1: a select field with 9 routes, the user can only choose one. But must not necessary choose one. Can also be empty.
Day 2: same as above
Day 3: same as above

Each route has a price of 5 dollars, so at the end the form must callculate the total amount choosen.
Also each route has a limit of 50 inscriptions. So when the total amount is reached, no more registrations for this route will be accepted.
After all information ins stored, the user will be redirected to a payment system to pay the choosen amount of the total selected routes.
Payment can be done via paypal.
With paypal it would be sufficient, but if there is an option to pay with credit card, it would be also nice.

At the end, te user gets an confirmation email with the registration code and the choosen routes and payment.
The information should be stored on a database to have an control over the registered users via the admin panel.

Is there a way to do this with Chronoforms?

Thanks a lot!
GreyHead 09 Jul, 2011
Hi oceanosoft ,

Yes, you can do all of those things. But it will take some coding experience to get it all working.

oceanosoft 09 Jul, 2011
Thanks for your answer GreyHead!

Of how much coding experience are we talking about?
Because I'm not a good php coder.
So, how much of this will wokr out of the box using Chronoforms?
And how much code should I add to it by myself?
Could you help me with it?
If you help me with this, how much would you ask for it?
GreyHead 17 Jul, 2011
Hi oceansoft,

None of this will work 'out of the box' with ChronoForms; but all of it can be built with the tools that ChronoForms provides.

With projects like this the best thing to do is to sketch out the overall project; think about what data you need to save and how to save it; then start to buile a simple prototype with only the essential parts of the form - for example, just use one input for 'custom info' even though you may evntually need 20.

Once you have the prototype working you can go back and add all of the more detailed parts - like the other 19 custoemr info fields.

You will certainly need to be familiar with HTML and to be prepared to use a little PHP and MySQL. Hard to say exactly until you get into the detail.

You can ask for help for free in the forums here - or you can ask Max or me to work for you privately.

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