The datetime and timepicker are not showing good.2. The error messages are half hidden behind the fields.3. The screen jumps above.I am using Joomla 1.6Every help is usefull. Thank you very much. Gr Twan"> 3 problems with chronoforms :) - Forums


3 problems with chronoforms :)

GreyHead 08 Jul, 2011
Hi Croonen,

These are mostly problems with your template :-(

Please start by turning off the RokZip compressor, this is beta code and not ready for use.

Croonen 09 Jul, 2011

Hi Croonen,

These are mostly problems with your template :-(

Please start by turning off the RokZip compressor, this is beta code and not ready for use.


It helped a lot!

Only the datetimepicker and timepicker are half hidden behind the fields en the date en time can not be filled.. Any help? Thank you very much.
GreyHead 09 Jul, 2011
Hi Croonen,

Please add this to the Form CSS
.datepicker_dashboard {
  z-index: 100;

Croonen 09 Jul, 2011
That does the trick!! Very thnx!!
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