
Error when create table with datetime/ date type

zulpaedi 05 Jul, 2011
Hi All,

Kindly need your help, perhaps some of you can give me a clue why when I create table for a form in choronoforms I've got error when the type of field in table set to DATETIME or DATE type. Below are error code :

Fatal error: Call to a member function getError() on a non-object in C:\AppServ\www\instrument\administrator\components\com_chronoforms\admin.chronoforms.php on line 534

Thanks in advance for any response.

GreyHead 05 Jul, 2011
Hi Zul,

There's a bug in the Admin Table Saving code. Line 534 is JError::raiseWarning(100, $row->getError()); but $row is not defined, it needs to be JError::raiseWarning(100, $database->getError());

Thhis bug only shows up when there is an error in the underlying MySQL query - if you fix it you should get a more useful error message.

zulpaedi 05 Jul, 2011
Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply. I have solve the problem, when we create a table from chronoforms control panel the default type of field is "VARCHAR" and size "255" when I change the type to "DATETIME" I have to delete the size (left the size empty) and everythings goes right.

Bob, Can I have your advise for my below problem? I wan to create cascading select box in my form and I have try your tutorial before but I am not success yet to create cascading dropdown select box. Below is my select box, kindly request your advise :

<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_select" id="category_container_div"><label for="category">Category</label><select size="1" id="category" class=" validate['required']" title="Category" type="select" name="Category">
<option value="">Please select a Category</option>
<option value="FGS-System">Fire, Gas and Safety System</option>
<option value="PPS-System">Process Plant Safety System</option>
<div class="small-message">Please select a cetegory</div><div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-Category"></div></div><div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_select" id="section_container_div"><label for="section">Section</label><select size="1" id="section" class=" validate['required']" title="section" type="select" name="section">
<optgroup label="Fire, Gas and Safety System" id="ss_1">
<option value="">Please select a section</option>
<option value="Fixed Fire Fighting System">Fixed Fire Fighting System</option>
<option value="Fixed Detection System">Fixed Detection System</option>
<option value="Handheld Fire Fighting System">Handheld Fire Figting System</option>
<option value="Lifeboat-Saving-Equipment">Lifeboat Saving Equipment</option>
<option value="Lifeboat">Lifeboat</option>
<optgroup label="Process Plant Safety System" id="ss_2">
<option value="Emergency ShutDown System">ESD System</option>
<option value="Pressure Safety Valve">Pressure Safety Valve</option>
<option value="ShutDown Valve">Shutdown Valve</option>
<option value="Alarm System"> Alarm System</option>

I want to create when Category selected is : Fire, Gas and Safety System the second select box active is : option group 1 (id = ss_1) and so on.

thanks for your kind help

GreyHead 08 Jul, 2011
Hi Zul,

Are you using the updated version of the tutorial from here? The one in the book didn't work in all browsers :-(

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