
problem with db primary key and updates

tnfviper 03 Jul, 2011
have created a table with a primary key (combining 2 fields). however when i try to get my form to create a record it doesnt work. it will only work when i have a primary key of id with autoincrement.
but this makes updating the records impossible. i am probably missing something very simple but really would appreciate any help. am using latest cf and joomla v1.6
thanks in advance
GreyHead 03 Jul, 2011
Hi tnfviper ,

True, the built-in ChronoForms code relies on a single column primary key. Nothing stops you from writing your own query to save the form data though.

tnfviper 03 Jul, 2011
ah ok. can manage that. where would i put the code. its my first time using chronoforms and not sure where/how to place custom code

thanks in advance.
GreyHead 03 Jul, 2011
Hi tnfviper,

Drag in a Custom Code box to the OnSubmit event and add the code to that. You can access the form data in the $form->data array

tnfviper 04 Jul, 2011
thanks for the quick reply. will try this later
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