Anyone offer suggestions/URLs to info on this?
I have a form, dead simple. name, address, email.
I am collecting this info in a DB.
I want to do the following....
Site visitor fills in the info clicks submit.
Email is auto sent to site visitor, Dear joe thanks for filling in the form.
AND email sent to site owner.
Site vistor gets an auto mail to the address they filled in, and the site owner gets an email with info that was filled in on the webform.
Anyone point me in the direction of doing this? Can't seem to find more than basic info on using Chrono V4
Thanks in advance.
Hi Robmcp,
Drag two email actions into the OnSubmit event box (you alrady have them if you used the Easy Form Wizard).
Configure one using the boxes on the Static tab to send info to the site admin.
Configure the other ons similarly but use the To box on the Dynamic tab and put the name of the form input with the users's email address in the box with no quotes or brackets.
Thanks for the update Bob,
I did reply to this yesterday but I presume I did not click post. Doh!
Your instructions were perfect as usual. I now appear to have another problem...
I did what you said, then tested it, got my nice reply to the site visitor, AND a nice notification to the site owner.
Unfortunately When I now view the editor to check the form settings or change anything, both of my email events are NOT there, and I appear to have email#1, #2 and #3 present.
What are these?
What happened to the nice email evants that I had?
Thanks McP
Hi McP,
Click the link near the form name that says (Edit in Advanced Mode); then click the Events tab and you should see your Emails again.
For some reason when you switch between the Easy and Advanced Wizards some of the settings are hidden :-( I think that it's a bug rather than a feature but nothing seems to get lost.
If the settings aren't there then go back to the Easy Wizard and try the Click to Configure links.
Hi I tried the link that says Edit in advanced, that is the one that shows me email #1, #2 and #3 in the list of events. The two plain email eventes that I had have gone, to be replaced with those 3.
I did not understand your last part, if the settings aren't there go back to easy wizard and try the "Click to configure links" where is that ?
Sorry Bob, just found the clieck to configure links, they are only present on nemail#1,2#,#3 I still can't find my plain email links.
Hi McP,
I just ran a test and I was wrong :-(
The emails are preserved if you switch modes until you save in Easy Mode - after that they disappear. In fact the information is still in the database so they could be recovered. It seems as though ChronoForms loses track of them.
Is this a bug, should I report it (where?)
Is there a way around this?
It's a bit of a pest if you set up autoresponders and they disappear. Or don't disappear but you can't see what they were set to, or change?
Are you suggesting I create the email responders but DON'T save in Easy mode?
Any suggestions gratefully received, McP
Thanks for the update Bob.
That make life a bit difficult then. Your suggestion about setting up two email events to have an autoresponder go to the site owner and to the site visitor can only be done (as far asI can see) through the Easy edit mode.
Hmmm, perhaps I should configure two of the email #1 and #2 events? That might work. I'll test that shortly.
I have another bug to report. Perhaps you could confirm that it is a bug before I report it, and not just me!
If you try to edit Chronoforms in IE8 yes I know microsoft, (I use Vista Business) where you see the Elements and Events Tabs on the left side of the editor in IE8 you can see BOTH tabs and contents and scollbars at the same time. Should I raise a bug report with screenshot? I've not done this before so am unsure of the protocol. Any advice - as usual gratefully received.
Thanks Rob.