
substituion to multiholder ?

laurentmartin 27 Jun, 2011
Is there a better way than using the multiholder to realize what the multi holder is doing ?

I found the multiholder difficult to use when a lot of field are in the form especially to identify the elements/id to input to make it work

Any code ?
GreyHead 28 Jun, 2011
Hi laurentmartin,

I would probably edit the Form HTML directly to get the layout I wanted.

If you do that then you can no longer use Wizard Edit on that form. If you need to add new fields you can create them with the Form Wizard in a new temporary form and then copy and paste the HTML over.

laurentmartin 28 Jun, 2011
Hi Greayhead,

What would be the solution to edit by hand?

I mean should I create a table or a div ?

What do you suggest ?
GreyHead 28 Jun, 2011
Hi laurentmartin ,

It really does depend what layout you want to have :-(

If you want a form in a tight grid layout then tables may be the only way.

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