
Language file

PASCAL 27 Jun, 2011

I would like to have the javascript error files in French. Where is the file where I could found "This field is required"...

Thank you
GreyHead 27 Jun, 2011
Hi Pascal,

Which version of ChronoForms are you using? You can find the version from Site Admin | Extensions | Install/Uninstall | Components in Joomla! 1.5 or Site Admin | Extensions | Extension Manager | Manage in Joomla! 1.6.

PASCAL 27 Jun, 2011
Hooppps sorry,

I use Jommla 1.5.22 and 3.1 RC5.5 composant

Thank you
GreyHead 27 Jun, 2011
Hi Pascal,

The simplest answer is to edit the Form HTML and add a title attribute to the inputs:
<input type='text' name='some_name' id='some_name' title='Cette entrée est nécessaire' /> 

Corvino 29 Jun, 2011
i'm using version 4.
How can i set the form to use Italian Strings
(the file could be this one: js/formcheck/lang/it.js?)
GreyHead 29 Jun, 2011
Hi Corvino,

Click the 'Form name' link in the Forms Manager; then the JS Validation tab and select the JS Validation Language.

Corvino 29 Jun, 2011
i found some errors.
This could be the correct file for Italian Language (it.js):

formcheckLanguage = {
	required : "campo obbligatorio",
	alpha : "no caratteri speciali",
	alphanum : "alfanumerico",
	nodigit : "no numeri",
	digit : "numeri interi",
	digitmin : "caratteri minimi %0",
	digitltd : "minimo %0, massimo %1 caratteri",
	number : "numeri",
	email : "email valida (",
	phone : "telefono valido",
	url : "indirizzo valido",
	confirm : "uguale a %0",
	differs : "diverso da %0",
	length_str: "La lunghezza non è corretta, deve essere compresa tra %0 e %1",
	length_fix: "La lunghezza non è corretta, deve essere esattamente %0 caratteri",
	lengthmax : "massimo %0 caratteri",
	lengthmin : "minimo %0 caratteri",
	checkbox : "selezionare",
	radios : "selezionare un valore",
	select : "selezionare un valore"
GreyHead 29 Jun, 2011
Hi Corvino,

Thank you,

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