EditarAny help will be appreciated."> [SOLVED] Multi Record Loader doesn't load - Forums


[SOLVED] Multi Record Loader doesn't load

dmontpe 24 Jun, 2011
Hi. Since I'm new to all this stuff, I decided to go over the MRDBL tutorial, create the exact same form and then transform it into what I really need. The problem is it doesn't load anything at all. I have been able to load data from the same table through the single record loader, but the multi record one shows nothing. I followed the tutorial step by step. Has anything changed since the tutorial was made?

This is the custom code (just the same as in the tutorial but with my own data):

foreach($form->data['FInsc'] as $detail]):
<td>Fecha de solicitud:<?php echo $detail['nif']; ?></td>
<td><a href="index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=form_aprobacion&token=<?php echo $detail['cf_uid'];?>">Editar</a></td>

Any help will be appreciated.
GreyHead 26 Jun, 2011
Hi dmontpe;

I just built my own version to read the articles list and that works OK. Looking at your code I think this line may be wrong (there's a stray ] near the end):
foreach($form->data['FInsc'] as $detail]):
Please try
foreach ( $form->data['FInsc'] as $detail ) :

dmontpe 27 Jun, 2011
Aargh!!! I hate it when that happens. A little tiny bracket or parenthesis that messes the whole thing up. Thank you for pointing it out for me, Greyhead. It works perfectly now.
GreyHead 27 Jun, 2011
Hi dmontpe,

I never understand why they are easy to see in other people's code - yet remain invisible in my own :-( :-)

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