
multi select box

chrissy6930 16 Jun, 2011
hi all,

I have set up one with multiple select without option 0
prob is that the selection made is not being posted to db
<select multiple="multiple" size="5" class="" title="" type="select" name="performance[]">
<option value="1">option1</option>
<option value="2">option2</option>
<option value="3">option3</option>
<option value="4">option4</option>
<option value="5">option5</option>

the field is not required, set to varchar(255), field name is performance both on form and in table
what am I doing wrong please?

J!1.5.23, CF4 RC1.9

ETA: I've seen this thread providing a fix I might also need to apply.
Max_admin 20 Jun, 2011
Hi Chrissy,

That issue seems to be in the data "republish" only, I will check it, but you are saying that the problem is "saving" to db, you don't get any data saved to this field in the db ? even the string "Array" ? did you try to place a "handle arrays" action before the "DB save" ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chrissy6930 20 Jun, 2011
yes post data does not work here, i.e. the respective table field is NULL no matter what is being selected - single item or several or nothing

(the single select boxes I have set up are working fine)
Max_admin 21 Jun, 2011
Hi chrissy,

And the column name is "performance" ??

Did you try to use this debugging before the dB save:

<?php print_r2($form->data); ?>

Does it show any value for that value ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chrissy6930 21 Jun, 2011
I tried your suggestion only
wherever I place that custom code in the on submit event it's not returning anything
GreyHead 16 Jul, 2011

I found a fix for this problem (actually for a Checkbox group) earlier this week. I have an amended DB Load Record action that fixes it. If anyone needs it let me know; I intend to improve it a bit and publish as a [GH] action in the bext few days.

As kkiddie points out, the problem shows up in data_republish.php but can't easily be fixed there. You have to tell the DB Load Record action which columns contain array data and need to be 'un-packed'.

kkiddie 18 Jul, 2011
I can beta test the patch for you as soon as you have it. I noticed that all the required column meta-data is available in the jos_chronoforms table. Of course, that is only valid if the column type is not changed after the original data is written. At any rate, thanks for providing the patch.
Max_admin 19 Jul, 2011
Hi all,

Bug found and fixed, you may contact me through the "contact us" page to get a patch or wait for the coming release, other features have been added.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Crouty 01 Aug, 2011
I'm also having this problem.

Could admin please send me a patch as a workaround, as can't wait for the coming release.
Many thanks and regards. :o

GreyHead 03 Aug, 2011
Hi Mo,

Max wrote:

you may contact me through the "contact us" page

He may not see a post here.

Crouty 03 Aug, 2011
Hi Bob,

Many thanks. I've done that now.

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