Hello. I have installed Chrono Forms v4 RC1.9 and Chrono Connectivity v2 RC3. I have created a form in Chrono Forms and a table connected to it.
I tried to create a connection in Chrono Connectivity but i get a blank page in front end. In back end everything works perfect.
I've noticed that in FrontEnd Settings i cannot select any form in "Record Edit Form". Is this the root of the problem ?
I have configured the permissions with the right way.
I would like only viewing and not editing the results. But this seems impossible... Any idea ?
Hi Perarg ,
I think that the problem you have is that ChronoConnectivity will only work with CFv3 - so far there is no version designed to work with CFv4 :-(
I have the same problem, any quick code we could use to fix this ...
I'm sure it can't missing much since the show data link in the backend shows the correct data without a flaw.
i'm trying to sort through the code and see what i can make out of this.
As far as i can see in the code, $MyConnection seems to gather the correct information ...
it seems like $MyConnection's function like evalPart won't print anything though ...
Any tips would be appreciated, i'd like to buy you a beer o_O
Hi imagexpert,
Just so that I'm clear, you are stuck with getting ChronoConnectivity to run in Joomla! 1.6/1.7??
Well the only chronoform that is stated as working for 1.6 is V4 and it seems that chronoconnectivity only works with v3 so. So that is correct although not directly the cause.
are you guys working on a v4 connectivity version.
If this works out. there is a 95% chance that we'll buy a 5 domain license A.K.A lots o beers ...
Hi imagexpert,
As far as I can make out Max intends to shift the capacilities of ChronoConnectivity into CFv4. Much of it already exists in the DB Multi Record Loader.
And I could be wrong about that too :-(
I think it's probably not too difficult to port ChronoConnectivity over . . . but there is a lot of code that could really do with tidying up at the same time.