
4.0 RC1.9 and J1.523 does not email form

mbrando 14 Jun, 2011
I've tried to read the forum notes and still cannot get this to send an email of the form. Is there a tutorial for simple email form setup? In v3 there was someplace you had to enable email but everything here is so different.
4.0 RC1.9 and J1.523
any suggestions would be great.

- Mike
mbrando 14 Jun, 2011
I've been trying to troubleshoot a clients form and finally setup my own simple test form. My test for send email. Not sure why theirs does not.

However, I have a new problem where it is not writing any of the variables to the table created in the test form.

- Mike
GreyHead 15 Jun, 2011
Hi Mike,

Please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here (as a zipped file) or PM or email it to me and I'll take a closer look.

GreyHead 15 Jun, 2011
Hi Mike,

I think that the problem is the the Submit URL. When there is an entry in here the form goes directly to this URL and ChronoForms never sees it and so cannot send emails or save data. Remove this and all should be well.


PS I also noticed that the Check Captcha action is not enabled.
mbrando 15 Jun, 2011
Ah ha! I think your right. I'll test it now. Thank you. 😀

- Mike
mbrando 15 Jun, 2011
Thank you. That was it.
Thank you. Thank you. 😀
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