
anti-spam Captcha

cicibar 14 Jun, 2011
I have updated all my components for Joomla for 1.5 (but not yet made the switch to 1.6 for this site.)

I am having problems with the form refreshing, or appearing at all, if the user didn't fill out the Captcha correctly.

So the form will republish with most info remaining in the fields if the user didn't complete a required field.

But when user did not complete the anti-spam field correctly, or not at all, a warning appears at the top of the page that this wasn't done, but form is gone completely - no sign of it. User would have to click sign up again or hit the back button to get a new form and start over.

This happens using either Chronoforms anti-spam captcha or if using google's "reCaptcha" anti-spam.

Any help or suggestions appreciated.
Thank you.
GreyHead 14 Jun, 2011
Hi Cindy,

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

GreyHead 14 Jun, 2011
Hi Cindy,

This may be casuing it. Input names must start with a letter, names like "_name_" are invalid.

Please fix that, then we'll see if the re-load problem is cured too.

cicibar 15 Jun, 2011
Let's have a beer... time for a break and probably you, too.

So i did change the "names" to name1, username2, and email3 ...

but same thing is happening, the recaptcha shows a warning sign when not filled in or filled in correctly and the form goes away.

Any other suggestions?

here is the link again:

I recently upgrade chronoforms, manually using ftp, maybe I did something wrong...

OK, the other form on my site that I thought was working gives me a warning sign (no text just red box) for the recaptcha even when I KNOW I filled in the characters correctly... but at least it doesn't wipe out the form. website link:

Thanks for your assistance
GreyHead 15 Jun, 2011
Hi Cindy,

The first form is re-loading the form but without any of the form HTML. Very odd.

Please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here (as a zipped file) or PM or email it to me and I'll take a closer look.

The second form has the CF3.2 bug in the File upload code. Please see this post.

cicibar 15 Jun, 2011
Thank you.
Here is the first form (signup form)

and I will check out this bug for 2nd form.


just replaced the chronoformuploads.php file and the 2nd form is working fine. Thank you!
GreyHead 15 Jun, 2011
Hi Cindy,

I think that I've found this. The Form HTML is evaluated as PHP and I think it is stumbling over the $ characters in the input values. Please will you try replacing them with the $ entity.
<input value="Option 1 Custom Template: $1,200" title="" class="radio" id="check01" name="check0[]" type="checkbox" />
     <span> <label for="check01" class="check_label">Option 1 Custom Template: $1,200</label></span>

cicibar 15 Jun, 2011
yes, the dollar sign within the input value was causing the issue, replaced with the number code (is that ascii code?) - the forms work great now.
Thank you very much!
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