
captcha error message displays incorrectly

jkdesign 02 Jun, 2011
I know this is an issue within the css, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix it. Any ideas?

My form is located here:

When you enter an incorrect captcha code, the error message displays as the screenshot below shows, the error displays below the box and it should display in the box. This is a problem in firefox, safari and chrome. In IE8, there are 2 boxes, one empty and one with the error in it (see second image below).

Screenshot below is from Firefox (mac):

Screenshot below is from IE8 (pc):
GreyHead 03 Jun, 2011
Hi jkdesign ,

I think that the problem is that the chronoforms tag in the article has <p> tags around it

Please try removing those or replacing them with <div> tags.

jkdesign 03 Jun, 2011
Thank you Thank you Thank you! I would have never figured that one out on my own!
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