
rewrite pathway for file upload?

meridith 02 Jun, 2011
Hi All,
I did a dumb thing and changed my root directory name. I went through all of my forms and changed the pathway where I could see it. I changed the pathway for file uploads but I am still getting the old pathway when I try to download a file. Can anyone tell me where to look for the place to change this?

Thank you.
GreyHead 05 Jun, 2011
Hi meridith ,

What are you using to download? Is it a link in a form? Or an entry in the database?

meridith 07 Jun, 2011
After many different ideas, it appears that the fromname variable was the culprit. Once I changed that to the new name of the root folder, it worked okay. However, now my files are opening in the web browser instead of giving me a download pop-up menu.
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