Editwhile the addresults form opens no data is being displayed.could somebody please tell me what I'm overlooking?J!1.5.23, CF 4 RC1.9"> (solved) edit links - Forums


(solved) edit links

chrissy6930 01 Jun, 2011
hi all,

I have added an edit link to my listresults form listing all items submitted by the logged in user

the snippet for the edit link used:

<div class="cf_eedit">
  <a href="index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=addresults&token='<?php echo $detail['cf_uid']; ?>'">Edit</a>

while the addresults form opens no data is being displayed.

could somebody please tell me what I'm overlooking?

J!1.5.23, CF 4 RC1.9
chrissy6930 03 Jun, 2011
could somebody please help me out with this ?
GreyHead 03 Jun, 2011
Hi chrissy6930,

There isn't enough info here to give a sensible answer. Are you using this to open a form with the Profile Plug-in? If so, what are the plug-in settings? Can you post a screenshot please.

Max_admin 03 Jun, 2011
Hi chrissy6930,

And does your link load the cf_uid correctly ? can I see it when you hover over the link ?

If yes and your edit page form is empty then you are having some problem in the "Record loader" action config for the edit form.

Some screenshots may help finding the issue.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chrissy6930 04 Jun, 2011
hi Max,

yes it does load the appropriate cf_uid
- it is being displayed in status bar when hovering over the link
- when following the edit link the uri is being appended accordingly

in form 'addresults' I added a hidden box element with Field Name = cf_id

please refer to the pic 'edit' for config of the db multi loader in form 'listresults'
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