
Set of CF4 Questions

Frank1000 01 Jun, 2011
Hi, I came accross CF4 and like to use it permanently, though docs online are rare still. I have a set of tasks with CF4 which as of now I wasn’t able to find the solutions for but am sure that it’s easy to understand and do in CF4, would be great if I can get some help with it here.

I have created an expert registration form to sign-up users with the right user group and several more tasks :

1) determine user_id and insert user with correct user_group in the jos_user_usergroup_map table
2) setting up activation email
3) password confirmation
4) gray “* required” text that gets overwritten in the input fields that are required
5) website input without http:// which should be added by form
6) check url if it is reachable
7) captcha code with another than currently default captcha

Once I know this CF4 better my developer life makes a step forward. I’d love to make a movie and put it online as reference for others too. Thx for any help.

GreyHead 01 Jun, 2011
Hi Frank,

1) determine user_id and insert user with correct user_group in the jos_user_usergroup_map

User ID, yes no problem; User Group, probably but I haven't tried.

2) setting up activation email


3) password confirmation


4) gray “* required” text that gets overwritten in the input fields that are required

Probably, I have an example for CFv3 but haven't yet tried with CFv4

5) website input without http:// which should be added by form


6) check url if it is reachable

Yes, with PHP, probably get_headers()

7) captcha code with another than currently default captcha

Yes, with some work.

Frank1000 01 Jun, 2011
Hi Bob,
tx for your reply ... now how is this to be achieved ? Also I wanted to ask you if you are connected with chronoengine, seems you are quite active within the forum. And one more question ... does CF4 have a documentation in the meantime, do you know ?

GreyHead 01 Jun, 2011
Hi Frank,

That place to start is with a simple regitration form with the main registration inputs, then drag the Joomla! Registration action into the On Submit event to configure the registration process.

Then please come back with more specific questions as you make progress. I haven't yet created a registration form on CFv4 but other users have.

There is no full set of CFv4 specific documentation yet; there are some tutorials in the CFv4 forum in the tutorials thread. There will be more once the forum is a bit less busy.


PS I'm a CF User who got into the habit of learning about Cf & Joomla! by answering questions here. I also wrote The ChronoForms Book for CFv3. Max is the owner and developer of ChronoForms - from time to time he does pay me a small % of the license fees in acknowlegment of my time here.
Frank1000 01 Jun, 2011
Hi Bob, sounds really great, I do so and get back at you. I saw your book online ... it's a serious reference for CF3. I'd be one of the first who orders the CF4 book when it comes out !

Frank1000 03 Jun, 2011
Hi Bob, here I have created a little screen video showing the current status of the form basically the points are :

1. password md5 submit to db
2. password min 6 characters
3. password confirmation on the fly with javascript instead of on submit
4. registring the user to the right usergroup
5. sending out an activation email
6. gray “required” and “info” text in the input field background

Thx for helping. Do you plan on a CF4 book ?

GreyHead 03 Jun, 2011
Hi Frank,

For 1, 4 & 5 please see the Tutorial PDF here

I'll try to answer the others later.

Frank1000 03 Jun, 2011
Hi Bob,
tx for looking into it. I've checked all .pdf docs at the link and the "registration" pdf was wonderful, so point 4 is solved. I didn't see any docs or entries for 1. password md5 or 5. activation email.

GreyHead 03 Jun, 2011
Hi Frank,

Hmmm . . . the plug-in 'ought' to handle both of those - at least the CFv3 one did. I'll check it out in a while.

GreyHead 05 Jun, 2011
Hi Frank1000,

Form a quick look a the code the Joomla! activation email is used and this will include a validation link. Is this not what you want to do?

Frank1000 05 Jun, 2011
Hi Bob, yes, but the email only shows "SEND_MSG_ACTIVATE" in it ... no link or message to activate in there yet.

GreyHead 06 Jun, 2011
Hi Frank,

The Joomla! Registration action is set up to load the 'com_user' language file in the current language (which is where this is defined). Is it possible that this file doesn't exist?

If you turn the language option of site debug on I think that you can see which language files are being loaded.

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