Using: Chronoforms 4.0RC1.8
Live form:
Question 1:
The selectbox in the form comes back empty in the send email. I've tried selecting one and multiple items. All the other fields come back just fine in the email Both to me as to the person that filled the form.
I've made the field required and not required, tried different items, names, fieldnames, the lot.. doesn't seem to work.
Are there any known issues with this?
Question 2:
I have two datepickers installed. The first selects a date and time.
THe second just selects a time. The idea behind this is for people to select a staring and an ending time for the event.
Can I get the second timepicker to just select a time? Because it currently comes back with the current date after selecting the preferred time. Letting it come back (automatically) with the date selected in the first timepicker would also do the trick for me.
Thanks for your time
Live form:
Question 1:
The selectbox in the form comes back empty in the send email. I've tried selecting one and multiple items. All the other fields come back just fine in the email Both to me as to the person that filled the form.
I've made the field required and not required, tried different items, names, fieldnames, the lot.. doesn't seem to work.
Are there any known issues with this?
Question 2:
I have two datepickers installed. The first selects a date and time.
THe second just selects a time. The idea behind this is for people to select a staring and an ending time for the event.
Can I get the second timepicker to just select a time? Because it currently comes back with the current date after selecting the preferred time. Letting it come back (automatically) with the date selected in the first timepicker would also do the trick for me.
Thanks for your time