
ChronoForm display table data

Silverspell 31 May, 2011

I am very new to chronoforms. Had tried v3, but was extremely unfamiliar with the code needs, but now with v4 i am pleasantly surprised.

I am trying to create a form, that when submitted stores the data on a table. So far so good, there is a beautiful tutorial out there which i have used. Now i want the users to be able to view and/or search these data and get all the equivalent entries back.

For this i am guessing i need a way to present all the data from the table in a format in my page, but so far i didn't have any luck with it. I do not want the users that search to have editing rights, but just a simple view would do (maybe with sorting features). I do not know how possible it is, and what kind of module or else format i should use, so any help would be more than welcome.

Thanks in advance, and i apologize if this ahs already been answered and i wasn't able to find it.
GreyHead 31 May, 2011
Hi Silverspell,

ChronoConnectivity is the sister product to ChronoForms that is designed to show filtered lists of results. Unfortunately it only exists so far for Joomla! 1.5

There are a series of ChronoConnectivity tutorials here

Max_admin 31 May, 2011
Hi Silverspell,

Did you check the "multi record" tutorial for V4 under our Tutorials page ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Silverspell 01 Jun, 2011
Hello to both,

FIrst off thank you for your replies! I have checked the tutorial a bit, my "problem" is that i wanted to make it nicely presentable within my pages' theme (which i am not sure if its at all possible and how). In any case i will try first with that, and i will get back to you. And i will also be anxiously waiting for the Chronoconnectivity i guess:)

Thanks again
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