
Msg:You are not authorized to view this page, Row Edit Error

jrariasf 25 May, 2011
I access in the web with a registered user and this error message appears to me when entering the next URL:

You are not authorized to view this page, Row Edit Error

However, if I load the URL and after that I load the other URL then the page load ok.

what is the matter? what am I doing wrong?
GreyHead 25 May, 2011
Hi jrariasf ,

I think that the task=editrecord links will only work if they are called from a ChronoConnectivity listing.

jrariasf 25 May, 2011
ok, thanks a lot. I think so.
Kind regards.
thleeree 19 Jul, 2011
GreyHead, your tip did help me with my problem
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