
DB Table not working... help!

maharet 23 May, 2011

I am completely new to Chronoforms, and need some advice.

I set up my new form, and it passed an initial test on the fronpage: it correctly displays a thank you message after clicking "submit", and sends a thank you email to the new user. Success!

BUT... I'm having trouble setting it up to save the submitted data. I followed the exact instructions in the tutorial:

- created a table
- enabled all the table fields
- put "Show HTML" into On Load event
- put "DB Save" into On Submit event
- enabled DB Save
- selected the appropriate DB table
- applied and saved the settings.

But when I tested the frontpage and clicked submit, I got a blank page. No error message, no nothing. Blank. No email was sent out either. And when I went to the form manager and selected "show data" for my form, there's no data. 😲


(I am using Joomla 1.5 and Chronoforms V4. The problem is present in both IE7 and Mozilla Firefox.)

GreyHead 23 May, 2011
Hi maharet,

A blank page is usually a sign of a PHP error. Please set Error reporting to Maximum for your site temporarily and see if you get a more helpful message.

Most likely the problem is a dash or other special character in an input or column name but I can't be sure about that.

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