
How to register two separate groups

swmckay 21 May, 2011

Would someone be able to tell me how to setup registration/login/access for two separate groups that can search the other groups profiles? For example, a job website would have separate registration/login/search for employers and job seekers.

The main issue is that I think I need separate tables, one for each group of users to store/validate username/passwords, etc but the Joomla Registration plugin has a default table that I can't edit.

I've searched high and low but haven't been able to find a Chronoforms solution.

I feel pretty well versed in setting up tables and registration forms, etc.

Perhaps it's a simple process that I've overlooked.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
GreyHead 22 May, 2011
Hi swmckay,

It's not too difficult*. You can either set up a new table with columns for the user id & group; or you can add a new user parameter in the jos_users table. In either case you need to look up the value when needed.

The user parameter approach is simpler to implement as no new tables are required and you can get the user's group directly from the Joomla! User object.

There's a help doc that you can buy here that has examples of both approaches. (NB written for CFv3.2 in Joomla! 1.5)


* Note that Joomla! 1.6 supports custom groups.
swmckay 08 Jun, 2011

Thank you for the detailed response. I was about to purchase the tutorial but I am using joomla 1.6. Thanks again
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