I just installed Chronoforms in my Joomla 1.5 website.It was installed successfully.
I am trying to follow the tutorial to make a basic form using the Form Wizard but am unable to drag from the left drag window to the right drop window. Nothing happens when I try to do so
Do I have to pay for this extension before it will work. Do I have to validate a license before it will work.
Please help.
Elizabeth Wallace
Make sure the Mootools upgrade plugin is enabled in Joomla. I think I have read somewhere here that this has happened to others when the plugin is not enabled.
Hi Elizabeth,
The free version is fully functional - it just adds a strap-line under your forms and shows a message in the admin area (for ChronoForms v3.2).
Which version have you installed? CFv4 requires the MooTools upgrade plug-in enabled; CFv3,2 requires that it is disabled.
thank you for answering so quickly. I really appreciate it.
How do I find the Moo Tools plug in and what is it .. I just installed version 4 of Chronoforms
Hi Elizabeth,
Go to Site Admin | Extensions | Plug-in Manager; then type 'moo' in the Filter box and Click go. You should see a red 'xx' icon in the Enabled column; click it so that it switches to a green checkmark.
Note: with the plug-in enabled you may have problems with other extensions - not all will work with MooTools 1.2 enabled. I'm afraid that's a 'design feature' of the current Joomla! 1.5 releases :-(
Well I installed mootools and enabled it and the form wizard still doesn't work.. I am about to give up..
Hi Elizabeth,
You shouldn't need to install MooTools; the version you need, and the plug-in are included in the standard Joomla! installation.
By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.
Hi, this may sound super newbie but, where can I get Moo Tool plugin?🙂
Hi marimarlouisa and Elizabeth,
Provided that you have Joomla! 1.5.20 or later you do not need the MooTools Control plug-in. Using it may well cause you extra problems.
As I posted this morning, the plug-in you need is insstalled with Joomla! 1.5.20 or later. If you are working with an earlier version of Joomla! then it's probably time to upgrade to 1.5.23.