
Google Web site optimizer - confirmation page

smalle 20 May, 2011
My problem is that Google wants to validate if the "Google web optimizer"-script is present at the confirmation page. But Chronoforms denies direct access to the confirmation page, which is good.
But how do I get google to access it once for validtion purpose only??
The validation is a required step to finnish setting up the google web site optimizer and start the experiment.

Any suggestions, please....

GreyHead 20 May, 2011
Hi smalle,

Sorry I have no idea at all how to do this. What is the Google web optimiser and how does it work?

smalle 23 Jun, 2011
Hi Bob
The web optimizer is a google app where you can run experiments on i.e conversion rates.
Google shows different versions of the same page i.e landing page1,2,3 and so on, and keeps track on which page makes the most conversions.
In order to confirm a conversion, google has to validate that a google code snippet is present at the target page.

Hope it helps.

GreyHead 23 Jun, 2011
Hi Smalle,

The only way I can think to do this is to use a ReDirect URL to send the user to a Google visible page after the form is submitted.

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