
Password protect upload form

twinturbotom 19 May, 2011
I've applied some solution from a few threads I found but was unable to achieve my objective...
I need to receive files from potential customers. I couldn't seem to get Joomla to password protect a single upload form page so now I'm attempting to do the password setting and validation with ChronoForms.

A password input box
An upload field
and a submit button

I'd like the submit button to only work if the proper password is inputted.

I found some js stuff here but I couldn't get it working. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

Can anybody offer any direction on how to password protect an upload form?

GreyHead 20 May, 2011
Hi twinturbotom,

I've just replied to this in an email; please don't double post as it wastes your time and mine.

You can use the ChronoForms server-side validation to check a password.

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