
Error sending email

MTP 19 May, 2011

I have created my form etc in Joomla 1.6. In my custom coding I have inserted this code:

<?php$emails_2 = array('em1'=>'', 'em2'=>'', 'em3'=>'', . . .);$MyForm =& CFChronoForm::getInstance('form_name_here');$MyFormEmails =& CFEMails::getInstance($MyForm->formrow->id);$MyFormEmails->setEmailData(1, 'to', $emails_2[$_POST['recipients']]);?> 

As I want users to select a person from a drop down menu. And whoever that person selects, it will send the form to. This code was in the FAQs - number 31.

Now, whenever I try to submit the form I get this error -

Fatal error: Class 'CFEmails' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs...\administrator\components\com_chronoforms\form_actions\custom_code\custom_code.php(17) : eval()'d code on line 28.

Can someone help me please!!!!!!

Thanks in advance
GreyHead 20 May, 2011

I'm afraid that although the FAQ says v 3.1+ it doesn't work for CFv4.

Please see this post

MTP 23 May, 2011

Thanks for the reply. Is there a code for v4 yet then?

Also, in v4 in the email template, I have added in the correct fields in {} brackets as required and I still get this when the email comes through:

Name: {input_custom_15}

Email: {input_custom_14}

In those fields is meant to be where the getUser code comes into place but it wont display.

Sorry to be asking so many questions

Many Thanks!
GreyHead 23 May, 2011

For the VCFv4 version please check the link in my post immediately before yours.

If you are using the standard ChronoForms Email action then you do not need {} round the input names.

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