
Not saving table data...

hassonmike 18 May, 2011
Hi, I am using ChronoForms v4 & Joomla 1.5

Everything seems to be working fine except that when my form is submitted, it does not save any of the table data from the fields that I have added. I only get the built in fields such as, cf_id, cf_uid, cf_created, cf_modified, cf_ipaddress, cf_user_id

All of the data I need shows blank fields, also the emails only give me the custom message and a "submitted by IPADDRESS"

I have made sure that the database is connected, and have gone through the tutorials and checked the forums, but found nothing about this.

What other information can i provide to help isolate the issue?
GreyHead 18 May, 2011
Hi hassonmike,

Do the other columns exist in the database table? This was a frequent problem with CFv3 - in CFv4 the Create Table dialogue is much more complex but less prone to this error.

hassonmike 18 May, 2011
thank you for the quick response. Yes, the tables are present, but are without data.
Max_admin 19 May, 2011
Hi hassonmike,

Do your fields names match your table columns names ?

Whats your DB Save action settings ? did you change any of the "Model ID" settings there ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
hassonmike 19 May, 2011
Turns the field names had been altered. I think it's safe to call this one user error.Thank you for your help!
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