
ChronoForms + CB Registration plugin yields 403 forbidden

notacomputer 17 May, 2011
Hi all. Thanks for the great plugin but I am having some trouble with it. I have a working Community Builder registration form on our site. We're creating a landing page for facebook visitors coming to our site and we want to have a registration form that is shorter for them to use, so we found this plugin.

I've made all the fields on our CB form not required to make sure that isn't the problem. I installed ChronoForms on J1.5 and the install went fine. I created a new form following the instructions in the "Building a Joomla Registration Form Using ChronoForms" PDF (obviously substituting CB Registration for Joomla Registration). Then I published the form.

The form shows up when you click its link in the CF admin, but when you submit the form it takes me to /index.php?option=com_chronocontact&task=send&chronoformname=landing and shows me an Apache "403 Access Forbidden" message.
notacomputer 17 May, 2011
I turned on "Allow User Registration" in the global config and now it just goes to a blank page instead of a 403 page. It shows my template but where content would show up its just empty.

It's not actually registering the user either.
GreyHead 18 May, 2011
Hi notacomputer,

A blank page is usually a sign of a PHP Error; please set the site Error Reporting to Maximum temporarily and hopefully you'll see a more useful error message.

Neither Max or I are CB users but the last time I tested the CB Registration plug-in (about a year ago) it was working OK.

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