
x_amount in plugin sending multiples to

2727 16 May, 2011
I am currently using Chronoforms V4 on Joomla 1.5 with a "paid for" plugin installed. In test mode, I noticed that if I use the same credit card number (or no credit card number for that matter) and submit the information purposely with an error and then resubmit it correctly, I will get charged double the amount. If I continue to have errors and resubmit the same CC number, it will continue to add to the amount so when I finally have a successful transaction, the amount charged is multiplies of the original amount. It appears that on the plugin stores the x_amount variable for certain amount of time and will increase or decrease depending on how many errors I get.

My question is, has anyone here encountered that error before? Is that a known or common bug of plugin? Again, I must emphasize that I have paid for and installed the plugin. Is it possible to reset the x_amount variable so that goes back to zero everytime you go back to the form after an error? Could it be a server side error? I haven't tried a live transaction yet since I am currently waiting for approval on my merchant account. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Response output using plugin debugging mode. (x_login, x_tran_key, x_card_num has been masked)

Notice the x_amount = 1797, which is a multiple of 599. Response from server is also 1797.00.

Thanks in advance,

Response Code: Error
Response Subcode: 1
Response Reason Code: 8
Response Reason Text: (TESTMODE) The credit card has expired.
Approval Code: 000000
AVS Result Code: P
Transaction ID: 0
Invoice Number (x_invoice_num): NO VALUE RETURNED
Description (x_description): NO VALUE RETURNED
Amount (x_amount): 1797.00
Method (x_method): CC
Transaction Type (x_type): auth_capture
Customer ID (x_cust_id): NO VALUE RETURNED
Cardholder First Name (x_first_name): NO VALUE RETURNED
Cardholder Last Name (x_last_name): NO VALUE RETURNED
Company (x_company): NO VALUE RETURNED
Billing Address (x_address): NO VALUE RETURNED
City (x_city): NO VALUE RETURNED
State (x_state): AL
Country (x_country): NO VALUE RETURNED
Phone (x_phone): NO VALUE RETURNED
E-Mail Address (x_email): NO VALUE RETURNED
Ship to First Name (x_ship_to_first_name): NO VALUE RETURNED
Ship to Last Name (x_ship_to_last_name): NO VALUE RETURNED
Ship to Company (x_ship_to_company): NO VALUE RETURNED
Ship to Address (x_ship_to_address): NO VALUE RETURNED
Ship to City (x_ship_to_city): NO VALUE RETURNED
Ship to State (x_ship_to_state): NO VALUE RETURNED
Ship to ZIP (x_ship_to_zip): NO VALUE RETURNED
Ship to Country (x_ship_to_country): NO VALUE RETURNED
Tax Amount (x_tax): NO VALUE RETURNED
Duty Amount (x_duty): NO VALUE RETURNED
Freight Amount (x_freight): NO VALUE RETURNED
Tax Exempt Flag (x_tax_exempt): NO VALUE RETURNED
PO Number (x_po_num): NO VALUE RETURNED
MD5 Hash: CF38D5D439BEAF776CC9D7B34FA051F3
Card Code Response: NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (40): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (41): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (42): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (43): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (44): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (45): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (46): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (47): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (48): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (49): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (50): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (51): XXXX3382
Reserved (52): Visa
Reserved (53): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (54): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (55): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (56): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (57): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (58): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (59): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (60): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (61): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (62): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (63): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (64): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (65): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (66): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (67): NO VALUE RETURNED
Reserved (68): NO VALUE RETURNED
Merchant-defined (69): : FALSE
GreyHead 18 May, 2011
Hi 2727,

I'm not sure if the plug-in stored the amount - I think not. However, the free version does randomise the amount - it multiplies it by a random number. So that my be what you are seeing.

2727 18 May, 2011
Thanks for responding, Bob.

That's what I've read here in the forums, which prompted me to pay for the plugin. I'll try to reinstall the file that Max emailed to me. Hopefully, that'll solve my issues but I'm quite certain that I installed it properly. I'll let you know if that works. Again, thanks.
watermelon503 03 Jun, 2011
I am having this same problem. I don't see anywhere to pay for the plugin. Can you tell me how to get this?

GreyHead 03 Jun, 2011
Hi Pab,

Please click the Subscriptions link above.

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