
JS Validation: only onsubmit?

mat 16 May, 2011
In ChronoForms v3 I have the option to give a validation message onBlur, so if somebody leaves some field empty, changing the field focus, he get an instant advice.

In ChronoForms v4 I get the JS Validation messages only “on submit".
I missed something (or broken it)?
mat 16 May, 2011
I’ve just added at line 179 of administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/show_html/cfaction_show_html.php file the options
				display : {
					errorsLocation : 1,
					indicateErrors : 2,
					keepFocusOnError : 0,
					closeTipsButton : 0,
					showErrors : 1

so the function becomes:
    function _loadValidationScripts($form){
		$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
		global $mainframe;
		$CF_PATH = ($mainframe->isSite()) ? JURI::Base() : $mainframe->getSiteURL();
		$document->addStyleSheet($CF_PATH.'components/com_chronoforms/css/formcheck/theme/'.$form->form_params->get('jsvalidation_theme', 'classic').'/formcheck.css');
		$document->addScript($CF_PATH.'components/com_chronoforms/js/formcheck/lang/'.$form->form_params->get('jsvalidation_lang', 'en').'.js');
			window.addEvent('domready', function() {
				<?php if($form->form_params->get('jsvalidation_errors', 1)): ?>
				formCheck = new FormCheckMax('<?php echo 'chronoform_'.$form->form_name; ?>', {
				<?php else: ?>
				formCheck = new FormCheck('<?php echo 'chronoform_'.$form->form_name; ?>', {
				<?php endif; ?>
				display : {
					errorsLocation : 1,
					indicateErrors : 2,
					keepFocusOnError : 0,
					closeTipsButton : 0,
					showErrors : 1
		$script = ob_get_clean();

but I hope I’ve missed a configuration panel in the GUI.
GreyHead 18 May, 2011
Hi mat,

I don't think that the official actions allow you to configure the Validation code like this. But I have developed an unofficial version that has a configuration box. Please see this post

mat 20 May, 2011

I have developed an unofficial version that has a configuration box.

Surely a cleaner approach than hacking the code. Thanks!
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