
Stranger Error

abasel 15 May, 2011
I have just created a new Joomla 1.5 site and added the latest Chronoforms component. I then added a single article which I published to the front page. All that is in the article is a single line of text.

When I view the site I get the following error.

Any ideas

Welcome to the Frontpage

Warning: require_once(/home/lumincoz/public_html/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/lumincoz/public_html/ on line 10

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/lumincoz/public_html/' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/lumincoz/public_html/ on line 10
GreyHead 15 May, 2011
Hi abasel,

It looks as though you have installed the ChronoForms plug-in but have not installed the ChronoForms component. You need to install the component and use that to create you form.

abasel 15 May, 2011
Hi, the site is a friend of mine who is experimenting with Joomla. I've only installed the component for him. There was a form that was used for testing but I deleted that. I will PM the login details for you if you want to have a look.
abasel 15 May, 2011
Maybe he's corrupted his Joomla install.
GreyHead 15 May, 2011
Hi abasel,

A couple of problems.

  • The MooTools upgrade plug-in is enabled. This breaks the admin and front-end JavaScript for ChronoForms v3.2

  • The ChronoForms plug-in installes was the CFv4 plug-in instead of the CFv3.2 plugin
  • [/list:o]
    I disabled the MooTools plug-in for long enough to create a test form; installed the CFv3.2 plug-in and disabled the CFv4 Plug-in and the form is now displayed OK.

    As this is a new site; you need to think about the future development path. It might be worth while keeping the MooTools plug-in and switching to CFv4. Or even using a Joomla! 1.6 installation.

    abasel 15 May, 2011
    Thanks, much appreciated. The Joomla 1.6 would be my recommendation but alas I have not had time to teach myself how to create templates for it.
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