[descrizione] => gtgt [ragsoc] => gtg [tipo] => ditta [piva] => tgtg [indirizzo] => gtgt [tel] => 5454 [email] => gtgt [fax] => gtgt [privacy] => on [chrono_verification] => CLnSP [invia] => Invia [7ad75c3d7d3aa5966e85962cd1c9f095] => 1 [1cf1] => 1f19b302b66bd54c4cf8baf1acca951e [chronoformname] => preventivo ) $_FILES Array: Array ( [upload] => Array ( [name] => ban.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /tmp/php3UvUGG [error] => 0 [size] => 13984 ) ) Upload routine started for file upload by : upload /home/genn/public_html/images/genn/ban.jpg has been uploaded OK Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK An email has been SENT successfully from ( to Debug End Redirect link set, click to test: index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=36"> V3 and "dynamic to" from a dropdown - Forums


V3 and "dynamic to" from a dropdown

giudansky 12 May, 2011
I know, there are many topics on the forum. But I cant manage to make it work.
The debug also says that the email is sent but nothing arrive.
Please, help

I have a

<select name="choose">
<option value="">1</option>
<option value="">2</option>

and a "dynamic to: choose" into the email settings.

The debug shows this:

    Form passed first SPAM check OK
    Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
    Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
    Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
    $_POST Array: Array ( [puntovendita] => [descrizione] => gtgt [ragsoc] => gtg [tipo] => ditta [piva] => tgtg [indirizzo] => gtgt [tel] => 5454 [email] => gtgt [fax] => gtgt [privacy] => on [chrono_verification] => CLnSP [invia] => Invia [7ad75c3d7d3aa5966e85962cd1c9f095] => 1 [1cf1] => 1f19b302b66bd54c4cf8baf1acca951e [chronoformname] => preventivo )
    $_FILES Array: Array ( [upload] => Array ( [name] => ban.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /tmp/php3UvUGG [error] => 0 [size] => 13984 ) )
    Upload routine started for file upload by : upload
    /home/genn/public_html/images/genn/ban.jpg has been uploaded OK
    Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
    An email has been SENT successfully from ( to
    Debug End
    Redirect link set, click to test:
giudansky 12 May, 2011
works like a charm only following faq n.31 (I tried but probably missed something.
But it still does not work with the email value direct into the select... dont know why. Not such a problem now because it's better hiding the emails, but it's still strange because of the debug saying "email sent"...
GreyHead 13 May, 2011
Hi guidansky,

I can't see why the direct email version isn't working. Should be just the same result.

The Email Sent message is a pretty good indicator. What it actually means is that ChronoForms has passed the email to the Joomla! Mailer and received an 'OK' message back.

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